Soilmaster (TM) Copyright 1996 - Soilmaster(TM)

TERMS AND CONDITIONS - All Contractual Work

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TERMS OF ENGAGEMENT  on and from 01/07/96

1. Consultant: The consultant will act in all professional matters as faithful adviser to the client, whose interest shall be watched with skill and care. Personnel will be allocated to this consultancy on the basis of their area of expertise and experience.

The consultancy will be managed by Mr. R. Cumming. &/or ............................................................

2. The consultant shall inform the client as necessary or agreed on the state of the consultancy. The client shall be kept informed on all matters which vary the costs or involve substantial modification.

3. Assistance of Client: The client shall furnish all relevant information available to him and shall give any assistance that may reasonably be required by the consultant for the execution of his duties. Where written instructions exist, the Company will rely on these completely.

4. The client shall give a decision on all questions put to him by the consultant in such reasonable time as not to delay the work of the consultant.

5. Modification of Work: The consultant will not, without approval of the client authorise any modification of the work that will involve substantial extra cost. Where written instructions exist, the Company will rely on any written instructions or orders completely.

6. Scope of services:  This will be that expressed in the arrangements made with the client. (Appreciation of the Brief-     Written    or    Verbal)

7. Estimate of Fee: The fee for this consultancy is estimated at $                                 plus gst

Rates or quote: See attached schedule based on:                Soil Analysis     (                      ) samples plus gst
                                                                                                      Water Analysis (                      ) samples plus gst
                                                                                                      Plant Analysis   (                      ) samples plus gst

Further sampling: Should it become necessary to undertake further sampling or work, except that already supplied to or contracted to the Company, this will be done after consultation and with the concurrence of the client and the following charges would apply (until further notice effective from 01/07/96):

Site/field work (including traveling time): Principal /consultant: $95.00 to $150 per hour (inclusive of mileage)  plus gst
                                                              Field Staff              : $45.00 per hour (plus mileage rate) plus gst

Office: Principal/consultant : $95.00 to $ 250 per hour variable
Office Staff : $45.00 per hour minimum

9. Professional Consultants:  If the consultant considers it necessary he shall, with the client's approval, obtain the services of other professional consultants. The client shall reimburse the consultant all fees paid to secondaryconsultants.

10. Accounts: Progress acounts for total fees for services rendered by the consultant shall become due and payable immediately upon rendering an account to the client. The consultant will render accounts monthly. All accounts are due immediately on completion of the service.

11. Outstanding accounts - Consultant retains the right to suspend work without notice until complete payment is recieved or to refer or contact Credit Reference (BayCorp Advantage) as to the credit worthiness of the client.

12. Disbursments: In addition to fees payable under other provisions of these Terms of Engagement the client shall pay the consultant for all disbursements properly made in connection with the work, including hire of equipment and accommodation expenses and interest after 10 days of the submission of an account at 2.0% per month, plus any fees applicable to collection of accounts.

13. Documents: All documents prepared by the consultant are the property of the consultant. On completion of the consultancy, the client shall be entitled to retain copies of the documents made by the consultant which are necessary for future work, but not so as to infringe copyright or trademarked information. No documents shall be available to the client until all accounts are paid or any oustanding monies satisfactorily settled.

14. Appreciation of the Brief: Attached / As per quote / Verbal

15. Completion: It is expected that the study will be completed, and a report submitted within ( ) months of the commencement date.

16. Assessment of Reports: All reports that are issued to third parties (such as Councils) are normally subject to assessment and conditions that may or may not be applied at the time of submission of the report or subsequent approval.

These conditions may require work that is outside the scope of the original consultancy brief and is outside the control of the Consultant. There may be a time lag during this process, which is outside the control of the Consultant. Further fees will/ may be applicable to this work.

17. Directors Guarantee: All dealings with a Corporate entity are with the benefit of a Directors guarantee for full and complete payment and are regarded as a personal undertaking of the Director or Manager or other responsible Corporate employee (see condition 11)

Completion of the study is anticipated on/ before:         /       / 20      .


Soilmaster(TM) Programme The Soilmaster Programme is protected by a Registered Trademark # 742892 and is Copyright, conferring protection to all intellectual property contained in a or any report. All information given is confidential and relates to the specific operation and incorporates the concept of Balanced Fertility Management(TM) relating to Soil, Plants and Animals within an operating farm system. The information cannot be used until all transactions are complete. Each client/ member of the programme, by the payment of the agreed fee,  agrees to uphold the confidentiality of the programme and not supply any of the information to third parties without the express permission of Reme Pty Ltd.

All Soilmaster clients are part of a 12 month programme that is billed at the commencement of the 12 month period (as at January of the new year) and applies to the following 12 months. The fee must be paid at commencement or by agreed terms with the Company.

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Soilmaster, (P.O Box 116), 5 Sladen Street, Henty NSW 2658 Australia
Email: soils[@]
Phone: +61 269 293 058  Fax: +61 248 22 11 08 
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